Friday, November 04, 2005

Jane Austin, Action Hero

Is everyone familiar with Archie McPhee, purveyor of novelties? I’m sure their plastic geegaws have populated many a cubicle. I decided to check them out after spotting a link at Mona's blog. I found an exciting array of items. The Jane Austin and Obsessive Compulsive action figures were among my favorites, but I think the prize goes to the Avenging Unicorn Playset, with interchangeable horns. Check it out.

They also have a wonderful selection of “bleak wristbands.” And don’t neglect to check out their Weirdest Products, which include a Pig Acupuncture Model and Wind-up Hopping Lederhosen.


  1. I am SUCH a McPhee-ophile. I love the Librarian Action Figure and all the pirate stuff.

  2. Well, I'd not heard of McPhee before this, but those wristbands are certainly funny! I suppose they would be a great gift for a manic depressive...

    God Bless.

  3. Living in Seattle I tend to take Archie's for granted. But I must, I must, I MUST have the Jane Austen action figure. I put her on my Christmas list!

  4. Lorraine: You are sooo lucky!

    I think I definitely need to check back regularly with McPhee. I remember an editor who kept a big jar of McPhee toys on her desk (a surprise bag, I think). Imagine the endless amusement.

    My husband is rather appalled that I liket he impaling unicorn. It's the glint in her eye that I find so appealing.

  5. Oooo, I have a friend who is working on a Jane Austin Tarot deck. Her name is Diane Wilkes and she is the tarot enabler over I don't think it's finished yet...
