Friday, December 15, 2006

Journal, journal, journal

For the past year I've been puzzled that Firecracker would call spinning tops "journals." That led to much miscommunication and frustration. Tonight I realized that she was trying to say "dreidel."

Dentist from Hell

So before Thanksgiving part of a filling fell out. I visited my dentist, who thought I might need a crown (they all seem to think I need a crown—are crowns the greatest money-making venture or what?) and couldn’t see me for the work until January. I had visions of a massive toothache happening around Christmas when absolutely no one would be available to help me. I went through the process with my HMO of switching dentists to get this seen to. I ended up with Freak Dentist from Hell. All seemed well at first. Hygienist was nice, dentist was pleasant and told me that I needed a filling and not a crown. He gave me a shot of Novocain and came back in a bit and started drilling. Youch! “Oh, I’m almost done.” Owie Owie Owie. “Just a bit more” Cringe Ow. Finally he gave up and shoved a couple more shots of Novocain in my mouth, not very gently, by which time I was in tears. He told me that next time I should have nitrous oxide since I was so tense. I ask you. I do not generally have problems with dentists. I’m not someone who quails in terror at dental work. But this dentist made me cry. And he gave me so much Novocain the second round that I almost couldn’t swallow. Meanwhile he bustled off to take care of I don’t know how many patients. Thank God I was truly numb when he started again. Now the nerve for that tooth is jangly and irritated, and no doubt it will be sensitive for a while. The dentist never apologized and barely managed to say goodbye before he was off to the next patient.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Did you know that the eyedrops for treating pinkeye cost almost as much as a nice pair of shoes?